Are Black Boxer Puppies A Good Choice for Families?


The Boxer is a dog that looks sleek, stunning and powerful thanks to its noble stance, making it a great choice for all families. However, there is so much more to black Boxer puppies than what you can see. These soppy hounds are also silly that you will often hear them snore and grunt and drooling is also something normal for them. They are also rambunctious and needy.

These dogs are clowns by nature with their comic attitude. However, despite being big goofy babies, Boxers are also alert watchdogs you can trust to protect you and your space if a stranger enters. They also need lots of love, attention and playtime.

Having a black Boxer puppy as part of your family can give you exciting rewards. However, before you look for a black Boxer puppy,  there are a few facts you should know about these pooches.


Boxers are often described as “hearing” guard dogs because they are watchful and alert. They are self-assured and dignified if they are not busy clowning around. They are patient and playful with kids, are cautious around strangers, but polite to respond to people they find friendly. Their aggressiveness surfaces only when defending their home and family.

There are several factors that affect a black Boxer puppy’s temperament such as heredity, socialization and training. Black Boxer puppies with a nice temperament are playful and curious. They approach and are willing to be held by people.

It would be great to meet the dog parents, siblings or blood relatives to determine how the puppy is going to be like once it becomes an adult although there is no assurance here.

Black Boxer puppies also require early socialization just like other dogs. They need to be exposed to different people, sounds, experiences and sights when they are still young. Early socialization will guarantee that the puppy will grow as an outgoing, friendly and well-rounded dog and stay that way.

Enrolling your black Boxer puppy in a puppy kindergarten class could be a good start. You can also further polish the puppy’s social skills by having visitors on a regular basis and taking him with you to busy parks and stores where dogs are allowed. You can also take him on a leisure stroll to meet the neighbors.


The coat of a black Boxer pup requires minimal grooming. These dogs are clean and are famous for grooming themselves the same way cats do. They also shed a bit, but brushing every week using a hard rubber grooming mitt or bristle brush can keep their hair under better control. Use a chamois cloth to rub-down the coat of your pooch and improve its natural sheen. When using a shedding blade, you have to be careful around the legs of your pup to avoid injuries. Bathe your pooch as needed.

Nail care and dental hygiene are other grooming requirements. Brush the teeth of your black Boxer pup several times weekly to remove bacteria and tartar. Daily brushing is recommended if you wish to thwart periodontal disease.

Trim the nails of your pup once or twice every month if they don’t wear their nails down naturally. Their nails are too long if you can hear them clicking on your floor. Neatly-trimmed and short nails can keep their feet in pristine condition and ensure that your legs won’t get scratches every time your pup jumps up at you.

Make your pup get used to being examined and brushed as early in life as possible. Check inside their ears and mouth and hold their paws often. Dogs can be quite sensitive around the area of the feet. Make sure that grooming is a positive experience for them filled with rewards and praises. This will help you lay the foundation for easy vet exams and other forms of handling once they become an adult.

Check for rashes, sores, infection signs like tenderness, redness or inflammation in the ears, skin, mouth, eyes, on the feet and nose. Ears must smell good with no excessive gunk or wax inside. Eyes must be clear without discharge or redness. A careful exam every week can help you identify potential health issues early on.


Boxers don’t have a high tolerance to extreme cold or heat, so it is best to keep them indoors as a beloved family member. Some common health concerns associated with this breed include hip dysplasia, thyroid deficiency, heart conditions like cardiomyopathy and aortic stenosis, degenerative myelopathy and some types of cancers.


Your pooch can do well on high-quality dog food, either prepared at home with the approval and under the supervision of your vet or commercially manufactured. Any chosen diet must be suitable for the age of the dog. Some dogs have the tendency to become overweight, so observe the weight level and calorie consumption of your pet.

While treats can help with training, giving them in excess amounts can lead to obesity. Also, learn the human foods you can and cannot give to your pup. Check with the vet if you have concerns about your pet’s diet or weight. Fresh and clean water must be available all the time.


Puppy training and early socialization are important to positively channel the exuberance and energy of the breed. Black Boxer pups are extremely intelligent although repetition can bore them. They are outstanding problem solvers with a mind of their own. Boxers are not so tolerant around dogs of the same sex, but they enjoy the company of dogs of the opposite sex. They also excel in various canine sports like herding, obedience and agility. They are exceptional therapy, assistance and service dogs and can perform roles like search and rescue and drug detection.

Energy Level

Black Boxer puppies are high energy dogs that are very playful. They require ample exercise daily in a securely fenced place or on leash. You shouldn’t let them run loose, though. The heritage of the breed as a wild game chaser also means that they need lots of time leaping and jumping about. Puppies require constant reminders to stay “down.” Being active, playful and powerful dogs, black Boxer pups are not the ideal choice for small kids or frail adults.


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