We want our dogs to be as healthy as possible. Therefore, we always try new things to make sure that they meet their nutritional requirements. Green Bell Peppers are among the best foods out there. They are packed with a decent amount of nutrients. However, are green bell peppers safe for dogs?
Conferring to the nutritional value of bell peppers, a raw bell pepper has about 92% water with roughly 30 calories per 100 grams. When you have a 100-gram serving of bell pepper, you’ll get around 6 grams of carbohydrates, 1 gram of protein, and less than half a gram of fat.
On top of that, these sweet peppers also have very minimal amounts of sodium. When you check the nutrient content of green bell peppers, you will find that they are rich in vitamins. They also contain minerals such as magnesium and manganese. They also have plentiful amounts of pantothenic acid.
In addition, various types of antioxidants can be obtained by munching on green bell peppers. They also have other beneficial compounds like capsanthin, lutein, quercetin, and luteolin. Yes, green bell peppers have nutrients that can give us a healthy diet but then how exactly do these nutrients benefit our fur babies?
Are Green Bell Peppers Dog-Friendly?
According to some researches, bell peppers are safe for our dogs. Green bell peppers are primarily comprised of water, but they also contain carbohydrates as well as small amounts of protein and fat. They also contain a variety of vitamins and minerals as well as antioxidants and other phytochemicals.
While green bell peppers are hands-down nutritious, we also have to bear in mind the big possibility that our pets will not like them. Due to the fact that green bell peppers are unripe, they can be bitter. The taste of green peppers is actually different from one of the yellow and red ones.
Yes, bell peppers are safe for your dog, however, do not let your furry friend eat too much of it because peppers can possibly cause ill effects. Canines, considered as carnivores by nature, are predisposed to consuming meat than any other types of foods. It is not ideal to give them too many vegetables such as bell peppers in their diets because it might cause problems to their stomachs.
When given in the right amounts, dogs can eat bell peppers with no side effects. The only thing you must keep an eye on is to not give your pet excessive amounts of bell peppers. Therefore, you should only give them as a treat. You can also add sweet peppers into your dog’s usual meals if he likes it.
Do note that bell peppers or sweet peppers are the only types of peppers you can safely share with Fido. Other types of peppers are a big “no-no” to our pets. If you are thinking of the best and safest types of peppers that can be serve to our dogs it would probably be the bell peppers or sweet peppers.
Any kind of pepper that is spicy like green or red chili peppers should never be fed to dogs, similarly to how any hot spices that are also off-limits for them. Any types of hot peppers are entirely not recommended for dogs, as well as any other pepper type that may have a spicy taste to it.
In case your dog accidentally eats a jalapeño or any other type of hot pepper, you should expect your dog to be having diarrhea. If you accidentally fed hot peppers to your dog you may add some pureed pumpkin to your dog’s food for the next couple of days to soothe any digestive upset.
In any case, if your dog develops severe diarrhea or other digestive problems, take them to the veterinarian for a check-up. Don’t delay it if your pooch has been throwing up non-stop.
What Are the Benefits of Bell Peppers to Dogs?
Thinking of giving green bell peppers to Fido as a treat? These sweet and colourful peppers don’t just increase the palatability of any food. They are also nutrient-dense. Below are the reasons that will motivate you to do so:
- They are low calories and fats. Got an overweight dog? You might be wondering what fruits and veggies to give him to make him healthier. Try to offer green bell peppers every now and then. They can boost the metabolism, they are good for heart health, and they also contain very low quantities of natural sugar.
- They are great for the skin. Your pooch can benefit from the antioxidants that are good for his skin and coat. The Vitamin E and Vitamin C in green bell peppers are both beneficial in keeping skin looking healthy and young. The carotenoids are specifically helpful in increasing the circulation of blood in the skin.
- They are anti-inflammatory. If your dog is suffering from arthritis or joint problems, you can help relieve the pain by giving anti-inflammatory foods such as sweet peppers. The fact that green bell peppers have low amounts of starch and high amounts of antioxidants make them a friendly treat for people or pets with arthritis.
- They can ward off diseases and lower the risk of cancers. The antioxidants found in green peppers, such as lycopene can fight against certain types of diseases and cancers. Bell peppers of all colors contain antioxidants but the green variety has the lowest amount of them. A study published at the Journal Food Science revealed that green bell peppers have the lowest phenolic content among all colors of sweet peppers.
- These peppers are a good source of Vitamin K. In dogs, Vitamin K is essential in regulating their blood function. Without enough Vitamin K, canines will eventually suffer from blood clotting problems.
- They can help form healthy red blood cells. A cup of raw green bell peppers contains around 14.9 mcg of folate. Also known as Vitamin B9, folate is not just an important vitamin during the pregnancy of mother dogs but can also help in maintaining a healthy nervous system. Because folate is essential for proper brain functioning, it can also do wonders in calming your pet.
- They can help enhance your pet’s brain. A 149-gram serving of green bell peppers has 8.2 mg of choline, a macronutrient that does many functions for the nerves, brain, and liver. Senior dogs can greatly benefit from consuming folate-rich foods because they help in improving the memory.
- They can help in maintaining the proper functioning of the kidneys. Potassium-rich foods can be of great help for canines susceptible to kidney problems. Green bell peppers are packed with potassium, a macro mineral that is essential for kidney health. Aside from its role in keeping the kidneys at their best, potassium is also helpful for maintaining the balance of fluid throughout a canine’s body.
- They have impressive quantities of omega-3 fatty acids and omega-6 fatty acids. Green bell peppers are packed with healthy fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids are best known for their ability to keep the skin and coat looking healthy. Omega-6 fatty acids, on the other hand, are important for your pup’s growth. Because dogs can’t naturally produce these fatty acids, they need to be supplemented with it or get it from their diet.
How much Green Bell Pepper Can a Dog Eat?
You can measure the amount of green bell peppers intake of your dog depending on their size and type of diet. You can safely offer around one to three small slices a day if it’s small dog. You may share up to half a bell pepper if it’s a large dog.
However, just make sure that your pet eats this kind of food moderately. As what vets always try to remind, dogs need assortment in their meals to meet their required dietary allowance.
If you want to use green bell peppers as a treat for your dog, make sure that each part must be smaller than a slice. Doggie treats, no matter how healthy they are, should not consist more than 10% of a dog’s day-to-day food intake.
How to Prepare Green Bell Pepper for Dogs?
In spite of the fact that green bell peppers are indeed friendly to doggies, we still have to practice extra vigilance when offering these sweet peppers to our pets.
If you chose to start feeding your dog green bell pepper, make sure to start slowly. Introduce them to this kind of food by serving small portions, give your dog just one or two small slices a day – larger dogs like Golden Retriever can eat up to half a small pepper. If your dog is very particular with his food, you can slice up the pepper and mix it into his meal.
The outer parts of the bell peppers are quite thick so your dog will eventually have a hard time chewing it. Make sure it is sliced in small pieces before serving to your dog. You can cook it in low-fat oil or puree it. Just don’t overcook the green bell pepper because just like other types of vegetables you might lose some of its nutrients when it is overcooked.
As a suggestion, steaming the green bell pepper is the best way to cook it. Doing so retains its nutritional value. Don’t forget to get rid of the seeds and stem from the peppers before you feed them to your pooch. These parts of the pepper don’t contain as many nutrients and they are likely to be hard enough for your pet to munch down properly.
Most importantly, never feed your dog green bell peppers that have been cooked together with things you should be avoiding giving to your pet, including onions or garlic. These cooking ingredients are known to have side effects to dogs when ingested.
To be safe, our pets should never consume items that belong to the onion family. This includes garlic and chives because these types of veggies can have an adverse effect on your dog’s red blood cells if he ate a huge amount of them or if he always eats them.
Bell Peppers: Do All Colors Have the Same Effects For Dogs?
All bell pepper colors – be it green, red, orange, or yellow – are actually safe for dogs. They boast a decent amount of vitamins and minerals. However, by comparing all these colors, the best of them all are said to be the red ones.
All bell pepper colors are safe for dogs but if you want to give your pet the best ones, you can never go wrong with the red bell peppers. They outrank the all other colors in terms of antioxidants.
Dogs, like humans, also need vitamins and minerals to keep them going. Vegetables are one of the main sources of these nutrients. But unlike humans, a dog’s stomach is often sensitive to eating some types of vegetables. Therefore, you have to be extra mindful when feeding veggies, like green bell peppers to them. Keep an eye for any symptoms a few hours after feeding.
It’s either because some of them are not predisposed to eating raw veggies or just due to their carnivorous nature that tends to enjoy meat more. Our fur babies can have some green bell peppers once in a while. Do note, however, that this vegetable should be given to them in moderate amounts. Practice vigilance in offering anything new to your pet to avoid potential problems such as diarrhea and vomiting.