Can Dogs Eat Pork? Is it Toxic or Safe for Your Dog?


Most dog owners don’t question what kind of meat is healthy for their pets. Dog foods that contain pork are popular nowadays. Pet stores offer everything from pig ears to pork biscuits, but are these foods really safe for dogs? You want to give your dog the best, so it’s important that you feed him foods that are healthy, delicious and safe.

Can Dogs Eat Pork?

Yes, but there are some conditions that you need to keep in mind. Plain cooked pork is safe for dogs. Feed them pork in moderation because if they consume too much of it, they may suffer from various health problems due to the high fat content of this type of meat.

If you want to give them leftovers, you should make sure that they don’t have any sauce, spice rubs or seasoning. Pork is safe, but the seasoning may contain substances that are harmful to your dog such as onion, nutmeg or garlic. You should also avoid giving him anything that contains BBQ sauce because it often contains garlic and large amounts of salt. If your pet ingests food with spices, you should watch for lethargy, vomiting, nausea, diarrhea and pale gums.

It is okay to occasionally feed your dog pork treats, but you shouldn’t give him too many treats that contain a lot of sugar and salt. Undercooked or raw meat may contain parasites that can harm your pet’s health. If you really want to give him pork, keep it frozen for 3 weeks to kill any parasites before cooking and feeding it to your dog.

Pork has potential benefits, one of which being the fact that it’s a new source of protein. The most common sources of protein are beef and chicken, so some people say that pork is a good option for dogs with intolerance to certain foods or allergies. Pork treats are also palatable and smelly, making them perfect for positive reinforcement training.

Pork is also rich in essential B vitamins and zinc. However, pork’s high fat content means that there are better alternatives to it such as chicken. Keep in mind that pork doesn’t treat hygiene or health problems in dogs.

Can Dogs Eat Pork Bones?

Never feed your dog raw pork because it may contain trichinella spiralis larvae, a parasite that can cause diarrhea, vomiting, fever, lethargy and pain in dogs. Don’t feed your dog cooked bones because they can splinter as your pooch chews them, leading to choking and internal damage.

Raw bones are less likely to splinter, but it may still happen. It is best to be safe, so don’t give your dog any kind of bones. Some people believe that pork bones can help make their dog’s poop less putrid and fix their teeth as well.

Chewing creates friction, which can benefit your pet’s teeth. However, if you are worried about the bone splintering, you can get your pet a dental chew treat that provides the same benefits as a real bone without the risks. If you really want to give him pork bones, you should limit his chewing time so that he doesn’t break the bone. You should also limit the bone size and the type of bone.

How Often Should You Give Pork to Your Dog?

Feed your dog small amounts of cooked plain pork. Pork’s high fat content increases your dog’s risk for pancreatitis, a condition that causes the pancreas to become swollen. It causes fever, vomiting and pain.

How to Choose the Right Meat Product to Feed Your Dog

Select a lean cut of pork such as pork tenderloin. It almost doesn’t have any fat, but it’s expensive. Don’t buy loin because aside from having lots of fat, it can also cause different digestive problems that may progress to serious disorders such as pancreatitis.

Another option is to mix pork and pork organ meats. This way, your dog can get the best nutrient levels from the meat. Cook the pork first and cut it into bite size pieces so that your dog won’t choke. Since pork bones are not safe for dogs, you should remove the meat from the bone before serving it to your pooch. Salt can cause health problems such as kidney failure, so never give your Fido any cured or salted version or pork.

Are There Any Alternatives to Pork?

Peanut butter, chicken and cheese are rich in protein, so these are good alternatives to pork.

Pork Allergy in Dogs

Dogs can also suffer from allergy to pork. It’s best to feed your pooch a small amount of pork if he’s eating it for the first time. Make sure that he’s not showing any negative reaction before giving it to him again.

What to Do If Your Dog Eats Raw Pork

If your dog accidentally ate raw pork, you should contact the vet immediately. You should also watch for symptoms such as muscle inflammation, vomiting, fever, diarrhea or lethargy. The vet will conduct tests to determine if your pet has trichinosis.

Are Bacon and Ham Safe for Dogs?

Preserved pork foods like sausages, bacon and ham are not safe for dogs because of their high salt content. Salt is bad for your pet’s kidneys and blood pressure. It may also cause bloating and increased thirst. Your dog may suffer from dehydration if he consumes too much salt.

Excessive consumption of water can cause his stomach to fill with gas and fluid, which can put pressure on the surrounding organs. Since bloating can be life threatening, you should be careful about what you give to your dog.

Foods You Shouldn’t Give to Your Dog

Some foods should not be given to dogs no matter how much they beg you with their puppy-dog eyes. Sometimes, being a good dog owner is also about knowing when to refuse them. Chocolate, in particular, should never reach your dog’s bowl because it contains theobromine, which is toxic to dogs. Baking chocolate and dark chocolate contain large amounts of theobromine.

If your dog consumes chocolate, he may vomit, become extremely thirsty and have diarrhea. Theobromine can also cause tremors, seizures, abnormal heart rhythm or worse, death. Here’s a list of other foods that you should not give to your dog.

  • Avocado

Avocados contain persin, which can be toxic to dogs in large doses. Persin can be found in the fruit, leaves, bark and seeds of the avocado. Ripe avocados have lower persin levels. The real danger of avocado comes from the pits, seeds and stems, which are hard to digest. These parts can cause gastrointestinal blockages or choking, which can be life threatening.

Make sure that your dog can’t get near an avocado tree, if you have one in your backyard. If you want your dog to eat avocado, you should give him a ripe avocado and get rid of the dangerous parts. This way, your dog can eat avocado safely. However, you may still want to ask the vet before giving any human food to your pet for your peace of mind.

  • Onion and Garlic

Your dog should never find onion or garlic on his plate. These ingredients can destroy their red blood cells and cause anemia if ingested in large quantities. A small dose of onion and garlic may not be fatal, but regular small doses or large doses can poison your dog. Watch out for symptoms such as breathlessness, loss of appetite and weakness.

  • Raw Fish and Eggs

Some vets say that a raw meat diet offers health benefits such as cleaner teeth, improved digestion and healthier coat and skin. Others, however, suggest cooking raw foods to kill any parasites and bacteria that can harm dogs. The FDA and most vets don’t recommend giving raw meat to dogs because E.coli and salmonella infections do occur in dogs.

Such infections usually happen to canines with poor immune systems. However, it is difficult to tell if the immune system of your pet is healthy or not. Raw fish can have parasites that can cause life threatening diseases, while raw eggs contain enzymes that cause various skin problems in canines.

Don’t just buy raw meat from the grocery store and put it in your pet’s bowl. You should also be careful when you’re in the kitchen because you don’t want your dog to sneak raw meat off the table while you’re not looking.

A raw diet has its pros and cons, so you should carefully consider your choice before you try it. Proper food preparation and freezing can help reduce these risks, but you should still learn how to handle raw food before giving it to your pet. You should also know the right amount of food to give to your dog and consider your pet’s overall health. If you’re not well-informed about these matters, you are just putting your dog’s health at risk.

  • Raisins and Grapes

Perhaps your dog has eaten raisins or grapes in the past without suffering from any adverse effects. However, you should not let the same thing happen again. Consuming these food items can lead to renal failure in canines. Your pet’s kidneys may not function properly and this will cause lethargy, vomiting and eventually, death. If you have raisins or grapes in the kitchen, you should keep them out of your dog’s reach.

  • Baked Products, Gum and Candies

These food items usually contain xylitol. This ingredient increases insulin levels in dogs, which can cause their blood sugar to drop. It can also cause liver failure. Dogs may show lethargy, seizures, loss of coordination, vomiting or worse, die. Always check the ingredients before giving anything to your dog. If the food doesn’t contain xylitol, it should be safe for your dog.

  • Dairy Products

Don’t feed your dog dairy products such as cheese, milk and ice cream. You may have given your dog some ice cream or cheese before, but you should refrain from doing so in the future. Dogs can’t digest cow milk products because they don’t have the enzyme needed to break down such foods.

Although some dogs can handle dairy products better than others, many canines are lactose intolerant. These products can cause them to have diarrhea or gastrointestinal diseases or vomit. Dairy products are also high in fat, which can cause pancreatitis. Don’t be tempted to share your ice cream or milk with your dog.

  • Sugary and Salty Foods

Foods that contain large amounts of sugar are not good for dogs as they can cause dental health problems and diabetes. If a type of food is not good for humans, don’t think about giving to your dog either. Aside from sugary foods, you should also avoid feeding your dog salty foods.

Salted pretzels and popcorn are not good for dogs. This is because too much consumption of salt can cause sodium ion poisoning in dogs. Since your dog will be extremely thirsty, he will drink more and urinate more frequently as well.

Excessive consumption of salt can cause seizures, bloating, high body temperature, vomiting and diarrhea. Always be careful with the amount that you give to your dog. You should also avoid feeding your dog apple cores, human medicine, alcohol, raw potatoes, uncooked yeast dough and caffeine. These items are toxic and may choke or poison your dog. Follow a diet recommended or approved by the vet.


Can dogs eat pork? Yes! However, preserved pork, raw pork, and pork with sauces, bones or seasonings can be dangerous to dogs. Cooked plain pork is safe for dogs. However, canines can’t easily digest the high fat content of pork. If they eat pork too often, they may suffer from indigestion, pancreatitis or gastrointestinal problems.

Make sure you cook the pork properly and don’t add any additives or seasonings to it. Don’t give your dog ground pork that contains garlic powder or onion because these spices can damage their red blood cells. If you really want to make sure that what you’re giving to your pet is safe, you can ask his vet first. This way, you can keep your pooch happy, healthy and safe.


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