What is an F3 Goldendoodle?

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This could be confusing if you are not aware of how the generation of Goldendoodles is developed. In fact, the F3 is the third generation of the Goldendoodle.

In general, there’s a misunderstanding when it comes to the assignment of Goldendoodle generations. To put things in perspective, we need to first know that crossbreeding and inbreeding are totally different concepts.

The former deals with the breeding of dogs from different families while the latter deals with the breeding of dogs within the same family or generation.

With this knowledge, the first generation of a Goldendoodle breed is obtainedby crossing a purebred Golden Retriever with a purebred Labrador. For a second generation, a Goldendoodle generated from the previous process which is 50% Golden Retriever and 50% Labrador, is bred back with a Poodle to give a larger higher Poodle percentage in the newly-generated Goldendoodle.



The same generation is bred back with a Golden Retriever, though that will bring about a Goldendoodle with a higher percentage of Golden and a lower percentage of Poodle, so it all depends on what traits the breeder is actually looking to obtain from the offspring(s) of the mix.

Though most breeders refer to this generation as F1B, that is, a first generation backcross, it can only be rightly seen as within the first generation if the parent Poodle being crossed with the Goldendoodle, is the same parent Poodle used initially in crossing the Golden Retriever that produced the Goldendoodle dog.

Coming now to the third generation of Goldendoodles (F3) which we’ll be dealing with in this article, we start with stating that they’re multi-generational Goldendoodles produced by mating an F1B (first generation backcross) either with another F1B or an F2 (second generation) Goldendoodle and vice versa.

That is crossing an F2 Goldendoodle with another F2 second generation Goldendoodle to give an F3 third/multi-generation Goldendoodle expected to contain 75% Poodle and 25% Golden Retriever.

In general, any breeding beyond the F2 second generation Goldendoodles is considered F3 third generation or multi-gen Goldendoodle. Representing this mathematically, we have:

F3 = F1B x F1B

F3 = F2 x F2

F3 = F2 x F1B

and so on.

However, since genetics can be very random and does not necessarily follow the rule of percentages, some puppies will inherit the dominant traits of either of their pure-breed parents, that is the Golden Retriever or the Poodle.

So it won’t matter if a first generation backcross Goldendoodle (F1B) is bred with another first generation backcross Goldendoodle (F1B), which should theoretically produce a third generation Goldendoodle (F3) containing 75% Poodle and 25% Golden Retriever.

What matters in reality is the characteristics displayed by each of the Goldendoodles being crossed, that is the parent breed in this instance because this is what should be carefully observed by the breeder. Thisis what determines the traits that will most likely be passed on to the F3 Goldendoodle puppies.

If a multi-generation Goldendoodle is bred with a dog that has been tested and trusted for its hypoallergenic traits, it would produce a better non-shedding offspring than a randomly chosen first generation Goldendoodle backcross (F1B) which in theory, is the best generation of non-shedding Goldendoodles.

Outlined below are reasons why a third generation Goldendoodle (F3) may be more preferred to other generations of Goldendoodles, and the major advantages or disadvantages they may have:

1.Since the creation of the Goldendoodles started inthe 1980s and them becoming well-known by the early ’90s, they are now heavily sought-after and any generation of them is both rarer and costlier to get. Hence, the F3 Goldendoodle which requires the breeding of more than one Goldendoodle becomes a more difficult feat to achieve.

2.Third or multi-generation Goldendoodles will have very little health issues because of the hybrid vigor. The hybrid vigor is the enhancement of some characteristics of the dog and this is because of breeding parents with mixed genetic contribution

3.Notwithstanding all these, due to their likeliness of inheriting the traits of their first generation backcross (F1B) parents, an F3 Goldendoodle may acquire an even finer coat and low shedding proper in its litters if it is carefully bred.


Althoughthis may differ from puppy to puppy and it may not always be the case, it will look like every Goldendoodle, depending on its genetics ismost likely to take after the Poodle traits it inherits since it will always have more percentage of the Poodle parent in the mix. Theircoat may varyfrom curly to silky andthey can have wavy or fuzzy fursas well.

F3 Goldendoodle Grooming

Apart from not leaving the petunattended for a long period of time or not keeping themoutdoors for kernel living and maintaining a healthy, regular feeding program, hewill require a regular brushing of thecoat, some swimming and walking exercises but irregular bathing so as not to make the petlose the moisture of the skin. A professional groomer can be employed as well to do this.


We have seen how a third generation Goldendoodle (F3) can be the best of its kind when it comes to hypoallergenic Goldendoodles. Wealso lookedat how they are generated and how careful breeding can bring out the best in them rather than the worst which is also likely since this is a generation of multi-crossing.

Just like in humans where we can’t have kids with our own kin due to fact that thismay likely result in genetic issues and possible brain damage of the offspring(s), multiple breeding or crossbreeding of dogs should be handled with utmost care so as to avoid serious health hazards for the pups.

After realizing how rare and expensive the average Goldendoodle is, it is apparent that breeders of the F3 Goldendoodles will be even more difficult to find and even when one is located, dutiful observations should be carried out to determine the breeding process and in knowing the parents of a third generation Goldendoodle (F3).

Hence, ordering one may take a couple of months to process and might even cost a fortune to acquire. Yet, if one is allergic, it should be kept in mind that it is still possible forthe dog toshed, though this might reduce as it grows older and begins to retain a more permanent coat.


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