Know These Facts Before Buying a Merle Frenchie!

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French bulldogs have small litters, so it is possible to have 1 or 2 merles for every litter. The ideal Merle Frenchie has the typical French bulldog expression and head as well as sturdy bone structure.

This breed makes for great pets because they are good with children. They like to cuddle with their owners and can also be playful.

Since Merle Frenchies have a short coat, they don’t need to be brushed regularly. You don’t need to bathe them often. Just wipe their coat regularly using a damp cloth to keep them clean. Their nails have to be clipped on a regular basis as this will keep their feet in great shape. You have to brush their teeth regularly to prevent bad breath and tooth decay.

How to Raise a Merle Frenchie

Merle Frenchies don’t bark often, which makes them a great option for those who live in apartments. However, you should allow them outside only when they’re on a leash or in a fenced backyard. They should not be left alone around water because they cannot swim. Merle Frenchies have a front-heavy structure, so they will sink like a rock in water.

You have to keep an eye on them when the weather is too hot or too cold. Shivering and panting are signs that your dog has been excessively exposed to heat. If you want to give them toys, make sure that these are durable because their powerful jaws can destroy cheap ones. Don’t use rawhide type chews because these items can soften and get stuck in your dog’s throat.

You also need to clean their deep facial folds, ears and anal sacs to prevent these areas from becoming inflamed or irritated. Check for fleas and ticks. You can ask the vet for tips on how to look after your dog’s facial folds, ears and anal sacs. Maintain your Merle Frenchie’s weight. An overweight Merle Frenchie has a higher risk of developing the health problems associated with this breed.

Health Care

Take your Merle Frenchie to the vet for routine vaccinations, regular checkups, heartworm prevention, tick and flea control and intestinal parasite tests. Regular dental checkups should also be scheduled.

Also keep in mind that due to their short face, they don’t tolerate heat, stress and exercise well. These dogs may have difficulty breathing because of this issue. You should keep your Merle Frenchie cool when the weather is too hot. Let them stay in an air-conditioned room or fan them.

If your dog gets stressed or overheats too easily, spits up foam at times and has breathing problems, you should take him to the vet. His airway will be assessed for an elongated soft palate or pinched nostrils.

Since anesthesia is quite risky for dogs with a short face, you should make sure that your vet is experienced with this breed. Merle Frenchies may suffer from premature degenerated discs or have abnormal vertebrae due to their build.

Their good musculature supports their spine, but premature degenerated discs and abnormal vertebrae can cause various back problems. The vet should perform a comprehensive musculoskeletal exam on your dog to determine if your Merle Frenchie can really do moderate exercise on a regular basis.

Give them a bath every week. Merle Frenchies retain a significant amount of lanoline. Be careful when washing them. After all, you don’t want water to enter his ears. You also need to clean your Frenchie’s muzzle using a Q tip and soapy water. Just wipe their ears with a damp cloth. Don’t probe their ears.

Merle Frenchie Training

Crate training will make it easier to housebreak your Merle Frenchie. Dogs see their crate as a home and den. They are safest in their crate when you visit other places or when they are inside your car. If your pet is injured or sick, you can restrain him much more easily if he’s comfortable in his crate. Don’t forget to put a bowl of fresh water and cooling pads in the crate.

You can also enroll your Merle Frenchie in training classes. Talk to your vet about the proper time to do it. This is usually done once your dog gets the vaccinations he needs. Enrolling your Merle Frenchie in training classes will help him socialize with other people and dogs. This is a good way to correct destructive behavior.

Your dog will need to learn basic commands and proper behavior such as staying, sitting and walking on a leash. Merle Frenchies may look cuddly and cute, but they still need a lot of training to make them civilized pets.

They are usually seen as stubborn dogs, but most Merle Frenchies actually love to please their owners. This makes them trainable when using the right motivation, which is usually snacks.

Many Frenchies now compete in agility, obedience and rally events. A few have even done herding, tracking, coursing and other field work. Frenchies can be great therapy dogs in nursing homes, hospitals, schools and other volunteer settings.

How to Prepare Your Home for Your Merle Frenchie

Before taking your Merle Frenchie home, you have to make sure that your house is ready for his arrival. There should be enough room for your pet. You have to provide an area for water, food, cage, litter box and toys. Cleaning products and hazardous items should be stored in locked cabinets.

Human medications and food should be kept away from your pet as well. You should store these items in cupboards that your pet won’t be able to reach. Look out for anything that may cause choking or electrocution.

You should also close the toilet lid after using it to prevent your pet from jumping in. Leaving the toilet lid open poses a drowning and poisonous threat to your pet, especially if you often use a toilet bowl cleaner. Windows should be kept closed to prevent your dog from jumping out.

Spaying and Neutering

Talk to your vet about the right age for neutering and spaying. Neutered and spayed dogs are allowed to compete in almost all performance and companion events. If you plan to breed your dog, you have to make sure that this follows the breed standard. Your dog should also have a good temperament and should not be excessively shy or aggressive.

Study the breed standard and proceed with your plan once you know everything about them. You also need to make sure that the pups will have a loving and good home. If the placements don’t work out, you should be ready to take the pups back.


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