White Labradoodles


Labradoodles, a cross of Labrador retriever and Standard Poodle comes in a variety of coat colors. You can see them sportingblack, red, caramel, chocolate brown, and gold colors among others. Should you prefer a light-colored pooch, your best bet will be a white Labradoodle.

All about the White Labradoodle Coat

It’s possible to see a pure white Labradoodle if the more established gene is the Poodle’s. Labradors only come in yellow, black, and chocolate. White is actually considered undesirable in this breed.

However, the yellow color may come in variations and the cream-colored Labradoodle is the closest thing you can get to white. It’s like chalk in color. It appears white but a closer look will tell you it is far from a true white dog.

The lightest shade of Labradors appears like they have cream or tan shades anywhere in the body. This cream shading often appears in their chest area, around the ears, and on the legs.

A Labradoodle sporting a cream or chalk coat either have a black or rose pigmented nose. They come not just in a variety of coat colors but also in nose pigmentation.

If you see a pure white Labradoodle with a pink nose and blue eyes, it is possible that it’s an albino dog. A white dog is either a lighter shade or yellow or a result of a genetic disorder.

Dogs suffering from albinism lack pigment in their eyes, skin, and hair. Consulting your vet and having the dog tested are the only ways to confirm if the dog is a true albino or just a light-colored Labradoodle.

In addition to solid cream or chalk Labradoodles, it is also possible to see dogs with a partially white coat. They have patches of other colors like chocolate, caramel, and black but they have large white spots all over the body.

White Labradoodle Coat Grooming

A Labradoodle’s coat generally requires twice a week brushing, but the grooming requirements will be a bit different with white-colored Labradoodles. This still depends on their coat texture.

Labradoodles could have a wavy, straight, or curly coat. The most hypoallergenic of them all is the curly coat but it is dense and this makes it more challenging to groom. Breeders usually avoid dogs with a straight coat because they shed to a certain degree.

You may need to brush your pet three times a week to keep dirt and stains at bay. They are more complicated to groom compared to dark-colored pups because even small stains are more obvious on them.

White hair retains more moisture easily and can get drier than brown and black coats. Because of its more porous characteristic, it has the tendency to develop mats and tangles.

A slicker brush is an effective tool for removing mats. This comes in different sizes and it can be used for both short and long-haired breeds. Use the slicker brush three times a week especially on the chest and on the neck.

Because the white Labradoodle is more prone to tangling, it helps to have a detangling conditioner handy. It is like a deep conditioner that gets through the surface and restores moisture to keep it shiny and easier to brush.

Labradoodles that inherited the curly coat of the Poodles may also require professional grooming. You may need to have their hair clipped every two months. The cost will depend on the place where you live but it usually costs $50 and above per session.

If you can do the clipping on your own, invest in durable and high-quality tools, like a two-speed clipper, a clipper blade, and blunt-tipped cutting shears.

There are tutorials and how-to guides on clipping a Poodle’s coat. You can use them as a reference since most Labradoodles have the same coat texture as their Poodle parent.

Labradoodles should have ear hair that is not too long. This can be achieved by cutting the ear hair to half an inch to let air flow. Trimming the hair on the ears can also help avoid infections.

Part of grooming your pooch is clipping the nails once or twice a month. A guillotine nail clipper is easy to handle and just right for small to medium sized dogs like Labradoodles. Always keep a styptic powder in handy in case you accidentally cut the nail’s “quick.”

Bathing the Labradoodle should be done every three weeks. If you have a Labradoodle puppy, wait until it is eight to 10 weeks old before giving it a full bath. Don’t forget to give it a quick brushing first to make washing easier.

Always use lukewarm water when bathing your pooch. You may use an oatmeal-based shampoo although you may also use shampoos and conditioners especially created for curly dog hair.

Do note that Labradoodles may have inherited the sensitive skin of the standard Poodles so it is well-advised to use hypoallergenic products for them. Never use any human shampoo, not evenproducts for babies, because dogs have different pH levels so it can irritate their skin.

If your pooch is suffering from allergies and infections, your vet may prescribe a medicated shampoo for him. Follow your vet’s advice on how and when to use it. These kinds of shampoos usually have soothing properties for itchy skin.

There are also products that help maintain light-colored coats. Using a shampoo for white coats can maintain the pristine look of your Labradoodle’s coat. You can also find brightening shampoos that are compatible with any coat color.


A white Labradoodle is either an albino dog or a cream-colored dog. It’s possible for Standard Poodles to have a pure white coat but for Labradors, it’s just a lighter variation of their yellow color. Regardless of your pet’s color, make sure it receives proper grooming to prevent mats and tangles from developing.


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