Can Dogs Eat Papaya?

Dogs on a raw food diet can consume as much as 15-25% of fruits and veggies per day. Whether the dog is on a raw food diet or not, you can safely offer him fruits. One of the best...

Can Dogs Eat Beets?

Beetroots or simply beets had a bad reputation due to their muddy and wood-like taste. Despite the fact that many people hate them, there are some who still find beets delicious. In fact, there are dogs that enjoy the...

Can Dogs Eat Beef Jerky?

Beef jerky is a dried and salted beef snack that is sometimes used as a treat for dogs. We all know beef is good for dogs. In fact, it is an excellent addition to a dog’s diet because it...

Can Dogs Eat Asparagus?

Is your dog a veggie lover? It’s so easy to give in when he begs you for a bite of asparagus. After all, asparagus is one of the wholesome and nutritious veggies for canines. Most dogs eat it and...

Can Dogs Eat Waffles?

A serving of waffles smeared with butter and dripped with maple syrup is an appetizing breakfast. While we know ready-made waffles are among the not-so-healthy foods, we still keep them in the pantry because they are hard to resist...

Can Dogs Eat Pretzels?

Hard or soft, pretzels make for a convenient snack. They are cheap and you can carry them anywhere. This cracker-like, crispy snack may also be tempting for a dog. Would you give Fido some? Can Dogs Have Pretzels? Yes, since a...
Canines are very much like humans. Like us, they can also have a fever, they can suffer from dehydration, and yes, they also sweat. But unlike us, they don’t sweat a lot. They have sweat glands yet they only...

Can Dogs Eat Donuts?

Dogs are chance-takers who would taste whatever you're eating at any given second. If you left donuts on the table, it's normal for a dog to jump up there and eat your snack before you return. But on a more...
If you heard about the legend regarding candy canes, you must know it was used back in the day as a bribe to make children be quiet in church. Nowadays, the candy cane is still around, not as a...
Ant baits are designed for those tiny critters in your home. But most of the time, it's the big ones that get attracted to the bait — yes, your dogs! If you happened to put an ant bait at...
Marshmallows are a classic treat that you can eat on its own or as a topping to your hot cocoa. You can use them for mouth-watering baked treats, too, like S’mores or even in a brownie. But what if you...

Can Dogs Eat Skittles?

Skittles is America's favorite candy. At $1.98 a pack, it's a real deal because you can taste more than a handful of "rainbows" wherever, whenever. These candies are fruit-flavored and if your dog happens to love fruits, you might...

Can Dogs Eat Jello?

Do you add gelatin to your dog's diet? If you haven't, you might want to start now. Adding gelatin to dog food is not a relatively new practice. This water-soluble protein has long been used for canines with joint...
Bananas are safe for dogs and most dogs enjoy the natural sweetness of bananas. These fruits can help boost their immune system and replenish their electrolytes. Don’t be afraid about giving this fruit to your own dog because it...

Can Dogs Eat Hot Dogs?

Does your pooch love hot dogs? Especially those delicious weenies? You are not alone in this. Many canines would die just to have a bite of this heavily processed meat. Dogs are omnivores by nature so they are adaptable to...