How Long Do Puggles Live?


A cross between the Pug and the Beagle, the Puggles are among the most well-like crossbreeds of dogs. A puggle is the result of a male Pug and a female Beagle. You will not find a pup from a male Beagle and a female Pug because the latter is quite small to deliver a large puppy and would only lead to health complications for the female pug.

Puggles have distinct physical characteristics. The majority of Puggles have the coat and face wrinkles of the Pug and the ears and muzzle of the Beagle. Their average weight is 10-30 lbs. while their height is 10-15 inches.  Read on to learn more about this crossbreed, especially their lifespan.

What Is The Average Lifespan Of Puggles?

Puggles can live from 10 to 15 years, yet their life expectancy is 13 years on average. Their long lifespan does not come as a surprise because both the Pug and the Beagle are among the longest living dog breeds.

Based on studies, small dogs live longer than large dogs because they don’t go through an accelerated growth that could increase the activity of free radicals in the body. Just because a dog is large does not mean he can live longer. This is one of the benefits of being a small dog, like a puggle.

Things to Love about Puggles

A puggle is the right hybrid dog for you if you are longing for a happy and easygoing pet. Because they crave attention, puggles can be great family dogs. They have a lot of energy for playtime and exercise so be prepared for indoor and outdoor activities for them.

Giving your puggle lots of positive reinforcement during training time avoids stubbornness, which is one of the likely traits about them. As long as you keep him company, you will not have a problem with his excessive howling and barking. When his Beagle side is more predominant, expect him to display lots of curiosity. It will be natural for him to like exploring.

The best part is that they will shower you with love and affection when you treat them right. They enjoy being the center of attention and would love to be around new people. When trained right, your puggle will be friendly towards strangers and other animals.

Top Tips in Caring for Puggles

  1. Give him a 30-minute walk each day. Just like its Pug parent, the Puggle could have a shortened muzzle which makes it hard for him to catch his breath. Still, your Puggle needs to exercise regularly to keep him in top shape.
  2. Feed him high-quality kibble. Grain-free dry dog food is recommended for canines. Only feed your pet the indicated amount on the product label and don’t just leave a lot of kibbles in his bowl. Remember not to overfeed him because Puggles have the tendency to eat a lot and become overweight.
  3. Keep your puggle well-hydrated. Aside from high-quality food, your puggle also needs to drink enough water to stay healthy. Because he tends to breathe faster, he loses moisture that should be replaced with proper hydration. Place his water bowl in a place that is easily accessible. If he has a short snout like his Pug parent, expect your puggle to drink lots of water.
  4. Trim his nails once a month. It is important that you trim your puggle’s nails regularly. Long toenails can cause pain to a dog because they could touch the hard ground and other hard surfaces. Because a puggle is a small dog, it is recommended that you only use a “scissor” type clipper for him.
  5. Bathe him once a month. It is recommended that you give your puggle his monthly bathe for his cleanliness. However, be careful not to bathe him too often as this will irritate your puggle’s skin.
  6. Brush his hair once a week. Because puggles shed a lot, it is important that you brush their hair often. You can remove loose or dead hair using a de-shedding tool recommended for puggles with thick coats. If your puggle does not shed heavily, a bristle brush may be a better choice.

Health Issues Associated with Puggles

  • Patellar luxation – this condition occurs when the kneecap is slipped out of place for some reason. This is actually common among small dog breeds and can go from moderately painful to extremely severe.
  • Legg-Calve-Perthes – also referred to as the disintegration of the hip joint, this condition occurs when the head of your puggle’s femur bone has deteriorated spontaneously.
  • Hip dysplasia – a puggle can inherit this condition from his parents but many of them suffer from it after being injured. It helps if your floor is not too slippery. You can also use a slip-resistant carpet or runner to prevent your dog from slip-sliding on the floor.
  • Epilepsy – this causes repeated seizures that can last for quite a while. Young and old puggles can suffer from this neurological disorder
  • Stenotic Nares – a puggle with the snout of his pug parent is more predisposed to this respiratory issue because of his squished face.

The Bottom Line

When well taken care of, puggles can live long enough and enjoy their senior years. Buying a puggle can be quite costly so it is important that you get your pet from a reliable breeder. Ensure that the breeder can give you the health records as well as the history of the pet. Otherwise, just adopt one from a rescue group.


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