German shepherds are notorious for shedding a lot. As a double-coated breed, German Shepherds will normally molt year-round. During spring and fall, a GSD also goes through “blowing” to change its coat in preparation for the upcoming season. This...
A dog sling carrier is a piece of equipment used to hold pets hands-free when traveling. It is also convenient to use when a dog can’t manage to walk due to health issues like arthritis and fibromyalgia. It helps...

Golden Retriever Female

The temperament of a Golden Retriever depends on various factors such as how much attention, training and love their owner gives them. FemaleGolden Retrievers are approximately 21.5" to 22.5" tall and weigh between 55 lbs and 65 lbs. Their...
We want our dogs to be as healthy as possible. Therefore, we always try new things to make sure that they meet their nutritional requirements. Green Bell Peppers are among the best foods out there. They are packed with...
The best dog house for German Shepherd will serve as your pet’s personal space where he can rest and take a nap. If your pet suffers from separation anxiety, the best dog house can help reduce his symptoms as...
Golden Retrievers are among the most charming dogs you can ever find. Who doesn’t want a friendly and intelligent buddy, like a Golden? When you have a loving dog like the Golden, you will never feel lonely at home...
Cocker Spaniels are known for their sweet temperament. They are perfect for those who live in condos and apartments because they don’t need a lot of space to play. A 30-minute walk and daily romp in the backyard can...
Dogs need a place that they can claim as their own. You should provide your dog with the best sleeping accommodation. A nautical dog bed is a navy and white striped bed, so it’s perfect for those who love...
Many types of nut-based kinds of butter such as peanut butter and cashew butter are safe for dogs. Similar to these, almond butter can also be given to dogs from time to time. If your pet is fond of eating...
A concussion or mild traumatic brain injury does not only happen to people. Even animals, especially dogs, can get one. How will you know if a dog is already suffering from this kind of head trauma? Read on to...
The night is cold and you are lounging on the couch as you enjoy a sip of your favorite peppermint tea. You feel refreshed while breathing in the aroma. Your dog’s curiosity kicks in and he tries to smell...

Do Dogs Get Headaches?

Dogs share many characteristics with humans, one of which is their susceptibility to a number of diseases. You can get a fever, your dog could have it, too. You could get allergies, Fido can have them as well. Humans...
Bernese Mountain Dogs are large dogs with a double coat and thick fur, so expect them to shed a lot. This breed is known for its intelligence, alertness and affectionate nature. These dogs are protective, but not usually aggressive....
English bulldogs have a penchant for long naps and cuddling with their “hoomans,” that they are often regarded as couch potatoes. As puppies, they tend to be playful and active. But as they mature, they become calmer and slow-moving....

Can French Bulldogs Swim?

Can French Bulldogs swim? Perhaps you have seen photos of a French Bulldog swimming in a pool. Don’t let those photos fool you! French Bulldogs can’t swim and here’s why. Why Frenchies Can't Swim French Bulldogs have a short body, flat...